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PROJECT 3: Online Bookworms Review Page


Project Description

Online Bookworms is a website dedicated to lovers of books and reading. Daniel Palmer is the website's content manager and one of Daniel’s tasks is to create a comments page in which users can enter short comments in a text area box about books they have read. To keep the comments short and to the point, Daniel wants to limit each comment to 1000 words. He asked that I write a script that will update a character counter that shows the user how much of the 1000 characters has already been typed. Daniel also wants users to be able to rate the books by moving a mouse pointer over a row of five stars.

Data Files
·          bw_review.html
·          bw_base.css
·          bw_layout.css
·          bw_review.js
·          bw_logo.png
·          bw_search.png
·          bw_star.png
·          bw_star2.png
·          bw_star3.png

Technical Sheet

  • init() function- The purpose of the function is to define the event listeners used in the page.

  • lightStars function- function lightStars(e): The purpose of this function is to color a star when the user moves the mouse pointer over a star image in order to reflect the user’s rating of the book.

  • turnOffStars function: The purpose of this function is to unlight the stars when the user moves the mouse pointer off the star images.

  • updateCount function- updateCount() -This function that keeps a running total of the number of characters that the user has typed into the comment text area box.



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