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DLR Morning Schedule


Tutorial 6 Case Problem Review: DLR Morning schedule.

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The website just as the name suggests is the website showing the morning schedule of DLR, a radio station. Kyle is the website director. He wants to make a few changes to the layout and apply those changes to a new page that describes the DLR morning schedule. Kyle has already entered much of the web page content and style.

This project task is to complete Kyle's work by creating and designing the web table listing the times and programs for the morning schedule.


1. Document Setup-

  • Linked dlr_tables2.css and dlr_columns2.css style sheets to the document head in html File dlr_mornings.html.

  • Also worked on the Web Table, Colgroup, Head, Foot, Body, headers


2. Table Style- Worked on Table Layout, Table Caption Styles, Table header, Table footer headers.

3. Column Styles- Worked on Media Query. Opened the dlr_mornings.html file in a web browser and verified that the table layout and design resemble the picture below.



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